“Bear Barry” by Darija Veg

Bear Barry” by Darija Veg is an adorable tale about a lovable bear who just can’t seem to shake off his sleepy habits. Every morning, Barry wakes up with a big yawn and a rumble in his tummy, setting off on a quest for food in the forest. But his friends keep running away from him, leaving Barry puzzled and sad.

With the help of a wise owl and some valuable advice from “The Book of Manners,” Barry learns that his loud yawns and stained teeth from late-night snacks are scaring his forest friends. Determined to change, Barry starts going to bed earlier and covering his mouth with a paw when he yawns. Soon, his yawns disappear, and he finds himself surrounded by old and new friends, enjoying the forest together.

Bear Barry” is a heartwarming story that teaches children the importance of good manners, consideration for others, and the value of a good night’s sleep. With charming illustrations and a relatable protagonist, this book is sure to delight young readers and leave them with a valuable lesson to carry with them. Read along with me to this educational story in the video below!

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