Reading Pioneers Academy Debate Lessons Debate Skill: Notetaking Tips!

Debate Skill: Notetaking Tips!

Note-taking is an important skill in debate as well as language learning. For students, listening to a teacher’s lectures, studying from a textbook, or even taking an order for food requires some form of note-taking. Simply put, taking notes means writing down the main ideas and important details without re-writing the entire section. Notes are meant to be short and organized. Notes do not need complete words or sentences either. In fact, the better you get at taking notes, the more you realize your own style of using symbols, short-hand, and even abbreviations. Symbols like * > ^ can be used instead of words. Note-taking keeps you on track! Check out some debate essentials HERE

It helps you to remember what your opponents and your teammates have said. When you take good notes during your opponent’s speech, you will be able to listen more and think of questions or comments. Also, you will be able to better attack their arguments and defend your own when taking notes instead of writing the entire argument and response.

Taking good notes when your teammates speak will help you to build and strengthen their arguments and remind you what they said. Even if you are the first speaker, taking notes of the round may be helpful if your teammate missed something.

It is also very important for the judges to take good notes so that they can choose a winner and explain their choice. If a judge does not take notes, it is difficult for the judge to correctly decide the winner of the debate.

Note-taking helps everyone concentrate, understand, and remember what is said during a debate. It’s important to practice taking notes and creating your own style for quick and efficient note-taking abilities!



*listen carefully!

*Shorten the language (symbols and abbreviations)

*make it clear and simple!

*Do not try to write down every word…only main ideas and supportive points

*Separate what is said from what you think

A→BIf A happens then B happens/A will lead to BΔTherefore
Increase/improve/positive impactX>YX is more than Y/X is better than Y
Decrease/worsen/negative impactX<YX is less than Y/X is worse than Y
=Same/ equalNot same/not equal






Human Rights→HR


United States of America→US

South Korea→SK





With this, we can now practice taking notes. We will begin with simple sentences and show the steps on how to write the most effective way to note-taking.


Smoking is not good for your health

Smoke→bad health

Smoke→harms health

Smoke→health ↓


From this, you can see how we continued to simplify the sentence without losing any of the meaning of the text. For beginners, “H” may not mean “health”, but as you become more familiar with your own writing style, you will begin using letters and other abbreviations to improve your note-taking skills. Here is another example. What did you write?

To unify, North Korea should cooperate with the South Korean Government.

Unify = N.K. cooperate with S.K. govt.

Unify = N.K. coop with S.K. govt

Uni = NK + SK

Taking notes doesn’t always just apply to listening. You can also take notes of what you read in a book or article. This can help you understand a long article and summarize what you have read. University students use this skill when taking notes for the tests, while debaters use this to help explain evidence they have researched. The following is an excerpt from a news article about science:

Scientists have long thought that the number of plankton species would decline due to increased acidity in the oceans. However, over the last four decades or so they have grown to be much more in abundance, a new study indicates.

We can break this section into two parts. What the scientists thought (past) and what is happening now (present):

  1. Scientists have long thought that the number of plankton species would decline due to increased acidity in the oceans

However, over the last four decades or so they have grown to be much more in abundance, a new study indicates.

The important parts are now simplified:

  1. Scientists thought the number of plankton would decline

However, they have grown to be much more in abundance

Now we shorten the sentences like before:

  1. b/4- #plankton ↓

now- #plankton↑

So, go out and try taking notes from everything you hear and read. The more practice you have with note-taking, the better you will become at it. Is there anything we missed? Comment below on how you take notes or if there are other ways to become better at note-taking.

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